Worship is rehearsal for life, as we practice putting God at the center of our lives at home, school, work, and in community. St. Paul's welcomes everyone to join in the celebration each week, as we gather in praise and thanksgiving.
Digital Bulletins
Weekend Worship
Saturdays at 5:30pm
Saturday Evening Worship uses simple, piano-led liturgical settings and familiar hymns, with Holy Communion weekly.
Sundays at 9am
Traditional Worship uses traditional liturgical settings and hymns, led by organ and choirs, with Holy Communion weekly. This service is livestreamed and broadcast on KWAY 99.3 FM.
Sundays at 11am
Contemporary Worship includes modern songs led by a praise team, with special music from choirs and soloists, with Holy Communion weekly.
Midweek Worship
Wednesdays at 6pm
Wednesday worship follows our community meal and leads us into confirmation and adult education sessions. During Lent and Advent, we have two services, at 5:30pm and 6:30pm.
Thursdays at 8:30am
School Worship is led by classes from St. Paul's School each week during the school year, with a monthly Baptismal Remembrance service. Parents and the public are welcome to attend.
Live Streams
Sunday 9 a.m. worship is livestreamed every week and broadcast on KWAY 99.3 FM. You can view streams live below, or in full screen directly on YouTube.
If you miss the live worship broadcast, you may also view previous services on our YouTube channel.
Permission to stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-703397 and CCLI with license #20134957.