Job Opportunities

Join our team of highly talented, dedicated and Christ-serving individuals.

  • 1st Grade Teacher needed for 2025-26

    St. Paul’s Lutheran School is hiring a 1st grade teacher to add an additional class section and maintain small class sizes in our supportive PK-6th grade environment in Waverly, Iowa. We are seeking an outgoing, passionate and dedicated teacher that values the importance of faith and has the ability to engage students in a collaborative classroom community. Knowledge about MTSS, technology integration, Everyday Math, Collaborative Classroom and Mystery Science helpful, but not required. St. Paul’s is fully accredited with the Iowa Department of Education and follows the Iowa Core.

    Please apply by sending a letter of application, resume, and references to:
    Tamela Johnson
    St. Paul’s Lutheran School
    301 1st. St. NW, Waverly, IA 50677

    Or to:

    Position(s) open until filled

  • 2nd Grade Teacher needed for 2025-26

    St. Paul’s Lutheran School is hiring a 2nd grade teacher to add an additional class section and maintain small class sizes in our supportive PK-6th grade environment in Waverly, Iowa. We are seeking an outgoing, passionate and dedicated teacher that values the importance of faith and has the ability to engage students in a collaborative classroom community. Knowledge about MTSS, technology integration, Everyday Math, Collaborative Classroom and Mystery Science helpful, but not required. St. Paul’s is fully accredited with the Iowa Department of Education and follows the Iowa Core

    Please apply by sending a letter of application, resume, and references to:
    Tamela Johnson
    St. Paul’s Lutheran School
    301 1st. St. NW, Waverly, IA 50677

    Or to:

    Position(s) open until filled

  • Preschool Teacher needed for 2025-26

    St. Paul’s Lutheran School is hiring a Preschool teacher in our supportive PK-6th grade environment in Waverly, Iowa. We are seeking an outgoing, passionate and dedicated teacher that values the importance of faith and has the ability to engage students in a collaborative classroom community. Knowledge about MTSS, technology integration, Everyday Math, Collaborative Classroom and Mystery Science helpful, but not required. St. Paul’s is fully accredited with the Iowa Department of Education and follows the Iowa Core.

    Please apply by sending a letter of application, resume, and references to:
    Tamela Johnson
    St. Paul’s Lutheran School
    301 1st. St. NW, Waverly, IA 50677

    Or to:

    Position(s) open until filled

  • Spanish Teacher

    St. Paul’s Lutheran School has an opening for a PS-6th Spanish Teacher for the 2025-26 school year.

    Interested candidates should send letter of application, resume, and references to:
    Tamela Johnson
    St. Paul’s Lutheran School
    301 1st St NW, Waverly, IA 50677

    Or to:

    Positions may be combined and open until filled.

  • Substitute Teachers

    St. Paul's Lutheran School is in need of Substitute Teachers and Associates for Preschool through 6th grade. Please call the school if you would be interested in helping us out at 319-352-1484 or email us at  If you have a BA or a AA and are interested in becoming a substitute, view the license requirements here.

  • Before and After School Program Employees

    St. Paul’s Lutheran Church & School's Before and After School Program is looking for childcare assistants for the 2024-25 school year. Hours available are 6:50-8:15 a.m. and 2:50-5:45 p.m.

    Interested candidates should send an application, resume, and references to:
    Katie Idler
    St. Paul’s Lutheran School
    301 1st St NW, Waverly, IA 50677

    Or to: