Visiting St. Paul’s
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church & School
301 1st St NW
Waverly, IA 50677-2611
Contact Information
Church: (319) 352-3850 • life@stpaulswaverly.org
School: (319) 352-1484 • school@stpaulswaverly.org
Fax: (319) 352-3999
Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Mon–Fri
Campus Map
Joining us for Worship?
St. Paul’s welcomes guests of all backgrounds to join us in worship — no matter your ability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, place of origin, race, religion or sexual orientation, there is a place for you at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church & School. Please, join us, and feel the presence of God with us.
Where do I go?
If you enter the church through the canopy entrance overlooking the river, you'll enter a large gathering space called the narthex. (If you enter another door, you'll find a map near each entrance.) The narthex connects to the sanctuary in one corner and the chapel in the opposite corner. The sanctuary is generally used for larger services and the chapel may be used for smaller gatherings.
When should I arrive for worship?
Services times are listed on the worship services page. Most people arrive a few minutes before the service to listen to the prelude music and greet those around them. If you're running late for worship, don't worry — just find a seat and join in with the service.
What should I expect when I arrive?
As you enter the sanctuary an usher may greet you. If you let them know you’re visiting, they can help you with any questions you may have. Depending on the service time, worship materials are either projected, or an usher will offer you a printed bulletin.
What should I wear?
You’ll find a wide variety of clothing choices at St. Paul’s, from casual to formal. Dress in a way that make you most comfortable. If in doubt, business-casual attire will fit in at any service.
Is there a nursery?
We encourage you to bring you children to participate in worship with you. But if you need to leave the sanctuary with your child, you’ll find the nursery across from the sanctuary entrance, near the elevator. Live audio and video from the sanctuary are available on a TV in the nursery. Family restrooms are available in the nursery and by the narthex.
Can I share in Holy Communion?
We trust that Jesus Christ is truly present in the meal of Holy Communion (also called The Lord's Supper or Eucharist). All baptized Christians who share that trust, whether or not they are members of this congregation or denomination, are welcome at Christ’s table.
St. Paul's is a part of the ELCA, which partners with several other denominations in a relationship called full communion. One of the characteristics of full communion is mutual recognition of Baptism and sharing of The Lord's Supper.
During distribution, an usher directs worshipers forward by row. As you approach the communion station, extend your hands (one on top of the other, with palms up) so the communion minister can place the bread into your hands. At the next station, dip the bread into the wine before eating eating it.
If you do not receive Holy Communion, you are welcome to come forward for a blessing during distribution. When you come forward, you may cross your arms across your chest to let the communion minister know you would like a blessing.
Dietary notes: For those who prefer, juice is available in the smaller section of the chalice, or the lighter colored cups in trays. Gluten-free wafers (garbanzo bean, tapioca, sorghum, fava beans, potato starch, canola oil, salt) are provided prepacked to avoid contamination. You may pick these up on your way into the sanctuary, or at the center aisle as you come forward for communion. The communion ministers will offer the words “given for you” before you consume each element.