Ignite Your Faith
Stewardship 2023
St. Paul's Stewardship campaign of 2023 is entitled: "Ignite Your Faith." This campaign is about taking our God-given talents and skills, and truly igniting our faith by putting them into practice.
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church & School is a congregation on the rise. Our worship attendance, both in person and virtual, is increasing; our school enrollment has increased; the number of Bible studies, children’s ministries and youth ministries has grown. Our Saints Café ministry is now firmly re-established and our music program is vibrant. How can we keep on this path of growth?
As a part of our 2023 Stewardship emphasis, we ask you to prayerfully examine the “Time & Talent” survey included and indicate the ways in which you are able to serve your congregation and community. As our church and numerous ministries grow, so does our need for volunteers. In the same way, you are able to grow in your own faith through serving one another in the name of Christ.
To be able to serve one another comes at a cost, both in time and finances. Please prayerfully consider how you can also financially support the ministries we all do together as St. Paul’s Lutheran Church & School.
Thank you for your ongoing and faithful giving.