Ministries for Adults
St. Paul’s is dedicated to helping followers of Jesus grow into disciples who make an impact on the world around them. We offer education, fellowship, and small groups designed to equip and support you on your discipleship journey!
Wednesday Adult Education
Meets at 6:30pm following Wednesday worship, studying a weekly topic or series, generally led by a pastor.
Senior Adult Lunch
Senior Adult Lunch is a “lunch and learn” event for St. Paul’s members and guests, typically over the age of 65. It takes place on the last Tuesday of each month in the St. Paul’s Parish Hall. The program begins at 11:30 a.m. and varies from month to month. Lunch follows the program, and a free-will offering is collected.
Grief Support Group
Grief Support Group periodically throughout the year. Anyone who has suffered loss is welcome to attend this informal opportunity to share grief experiences and support one another.
Coffee Fellowship
All are invited to gather together for a time of fellowship, conversation, and treats weekly on Sundays from 10:10-11am in the narthex. Join after the 9am worship has concluded or arrive early to the 11 a.m. Rejoice service. Come as you are; the coffee is always on.
Do-Day gatherings are on the fourth Wednesday of every month (unless otherwise announced) at 9 a.m. Each month, women gather in the Center for Ministry to work on mission projects for Lutheran World Relief, creating school kits, layettes, health kits, and quilts.
Ladies’ Night Out
Ladies’ Night Out takes place once a month and is a time for fellowship and conversation. Those in attendance gather at a local restaurant. All St. Paul’s women and their guests are invited to join. Check the weekly announcements for date and location details.
Small Groups
Thursday Afternoon Small Group
Thursday afternoon small group gathers once a week at 3:30pm in the Chapel.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Bible study meets on Wednesday mornings at 9am in Parish Hall classroom 310. Our Bible study is informal, and your insights and questions are welcomed.
Wednesday Morning Small Group
Wednesday morning small group gathers once a week in the office suite conference room. Following small group, individuals typically stay for coffee and treats in the narthex.
Friday Morning Men’s Bible Study
Meets Friday mornings at 6am in the narthex.
Women's Circle Groups
St. Paul’s has four Circle groups that meet once a month for Bible study and discussion. They also spend time planning and coordinating events such as the Women’s Thankoffering and Bartels Sunday Coffee Fellowship. Circles groups include Kettner Circle, Ruth Circle, Luther Circle, and Bowman Circle. Circle groups participate in the Northeast Iowa Synodical Women’s Organization Convention at Wartburg College every year and the Women of the ELCA Triennial Convention every three years.